2007年3月25日 星期日

Piggy book

There's a common family, two sons, a father, and a mother. But the mother has her own work, when she went home; she still had to do housework. It was a big burden for her. The other members, father and two sons, don't do anything at home. Just sit there, do nothing, just ask their mother to do all the things.

One day, the mother can’t stand for them any more, so the mother doesn't came home for many days. The other members finally found that they can't live without the most important person in their family: their mother. They don't know how to wash their clothes, cooked dinners, and do all the things badly. They cry for their mother to come home as soon as they wanted.

Finally, the mother came home for a few days. They all stand beside the door to welcome their mother. And they started to do things to help their mother. Each of them can do things together. And they became a happy family forever.
