2007年4月19日 星期四

Summary of the book 〝Changes〞

Author:Anthony Browne

1.situation:The book 〝changes〞is written by Anthony Browne. Joseph Kaye, a little boy's name who feels that everything is strange from what he see now. That's really strange to him..〝Maybe outside will be good, he thinks.〞At first, it's usual, but when the time gose by, everything gose to be different, too. So he close the light and wait for his parent comes home.
2.conflict:Every all change. At his eyes, there are masters, everything is unusual in his eyes.
3.suffer:He close the light, thinking that if everything will change back to him or not.
4.outcome:At the end his parents comes home and take a baby together. And I finally know that the changes is in his mind. There is anew member join to his family, so everything will become different.The book want to tell to the child that if you have a new brother or sister, don't be afraid, just as usual, everything will be all right.
